1999 Montreal meeting

The 1999 European Montreal meeting was held in beautiful weather on 3 - 5 September at the Hotel Færgegaarden, Vestergade 1-5, DK-6792 Havneby, on the island of Rømø, off the south west coast of Jutland. Rømø is a nature spot which has one of the finest beaches in Europe. It is readily accessible from the mainland, with which it is directly connected by a 10 km long causeway across the Waden Sea with its rich bird life. This 13th meeting was organised by Jens Andresen, Brunde Kirkevej 5, DK-6230 Rødekro, Denmark, Tel. (+45) 40131545.

25 Montreals and about 45 people attended the meeting and on Saturday morning they drove to a little castle in Møgeltønder which is the home of Prince Joachim and Princess Alexandra. The afternoon was spent at the beach and after cocktails a gala dinner was held in the evening. The meeting was briefly reported in "Motor Klassik", January 2000.

Due to the birth of our new Alfista Mark, Jennifer and I were not able to attend this year but photos from participants will be added as I receive them.

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