2022 Montreal meeting

The 35th meeting was organised by Roland Bause at the 'Hotel Das Bergmayr' in 83334 Inzell in the Bavarian Alps, Germany, from Thursday 8 to Sunday 11 September 2022. 94 people participated with 43 Montreals, as well as 8 other cars including other Alfas.

On arrival the participants were greeted by the organization team in traditional local dress and there was a dance performance followed by a typical Bavarian meal. The following morning they drove over an attractive route to visit the EFA Motor Museum in Amerang, where they were able to admire a fine collection of classic German automobiles as well as an exhibition of model railways of a range of scales. After an hour, the party continued by minor roads to Prien am Chiemsee, where they boarded a 1904 paddle steamer for a pleasant cruise on Chiemsee, Bavaria's largest lake. They disembarked on Herreninsel Island for a guided tour of King Ludwig II's beautiful Royal Palace, which was modelled on Versailles. The palace took seven years to build, but some parts were never completed because of lack of funds. Following the visit the group returned to Prien am See by the paddle steamer and drove back to Inzell by an attractive route. The evening dinner was preceded by a driver briefing for the following day.

On Saturday, the whole group drove to Berchtesgaden for an interesting visit to the Salt mine there. Clad in miner's clothing, two groups travelled 650m into the mountain on a small train, where they were introduced to the salt mining process and learned about the history of the mine. Afterwards, a snack with drinks was served in the Bergmannsschänke. A little earlier than planned, the participants then drove by a very nice route to the Rossfeld Panoramastrasse, although unfortunately heavy rain and some fog masked the view of the Alpine panorama. After a stop at the summit, the cars were organised by colour before being driven back to Inzell, where they were exhibited at the ice rink. Many tourists and locals joined the participants for interesting discussions and photos. Unusual entertainment was provided by a local group of skilled whip crackers. Some partcipants also tried their hands at this, and found that it isn't at all easy!

Back at the hotel the final dinner began at 19h00 with thanks to the organizers and the presentation of the trophy to Beat Trinkler. Preliminary details were given about the possible programme for next year's meeting in Italy, and the evening concluded with dancing to lively 1970s and 80s music animated by a disc jockey.

Here are some photos from the 2022 Montreal meeting:

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